Blog Journal #2

 I didn't start using Microsoft Word until around 5th grade. At first I was very confused on how to use it, but my school had a computer class for us in order to go step by step to learn how to use the software. However, whenever Google Docs came out all of my teachers had me switch to that software because, unlike Word at the time, Google Docs automatically saved everything you did. Now Microsoft Word also automatically saves everything, but I am so used to using google Docs now that it's hard to work in the Microsoft format. I also like the layout better of Google Docs because you can visually see all of your files instead of having to go through many steps to find one like in Word. 

The ISTE standard for teaching are all very essential and useful for teachers. The standard that seems to be the most meaningful to me is the "Citizen" one. This standard allows teachers to teach their students the more real-world abilities when it comes to technology. This includes things such as privacy, professionalism, and responsibility when being online. I feel that these things are very necessary, especially in today's world, since many jobs now require one to have a social media presence and be able to work through the Internet sometimes. 

I do agree with the term digital native, however, I do not feel that Gen Z completely falls into that category. The term refers to those who grew up with technology, like tablets, computers and other things. However, my generation did not necessarily grow up like the newer generation is, and there are still technological things that we struggle with. Ive noticed that the majority of my teachers get frustrated with new technology and tend to just give up and go to white boards or other ways besides technology. This has actually impacted my learning by allowing me to become more adaptable and always have a "plan b" for new technology. I feel that I will become just like my teachers with my students, in that, I will be struggling with the newer technology that is easy for them because they grew up with it. 


  1. Hey Marissa! I do agree with the fact that our generation does not fall directly under a digital native or a native immigrant. I think it is hard to categorize our generation specifically because as we were growing up technology was just getting attention and growing, so it was not like we were born with a tablet in our hands but it took a while for us to have it. I think it was easier for us to learn and understand technology because we "grew up'' but I still feel like we had some setbacks which is why it is hard for us to say we are just a digital native or immigrant.


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