Blog Post #6

 When I first started to use Diigo I was confused with the layout and interactive component. The website also seemed to be very outdated design wise. It looked to be a website you would see in the late 90's or early 2000's, not so much in 2022. However, I did enjoy the aspect where you could highlight and comment on other websites then automatically share it with your Diigo group. But that also took a number of steps in order to be able to achieve that. Therefore, it was not a horrible website, but I feel that there are better ones out there. 

In regard to blogging, Ive actually really enjoyed my experiences with it so far. I feel that it's a great source for seeing other perspectives on the same topics. I like how easy it is to update posts or edit previous ones. The only complaint I would have is that the layout of the blog posts look different on the actual blog compared to when I'm creating it, so I usually have to go back and edit things like the indents. So far Ive learned how to add things such as links and images as well as create a professional layout through blogging. 

An interesting Web 2.0 tool that can be useful for teaching is Instagram. Instagram is a social media app that is made for sharing photos and videos. In the teaching perspective, I could use Instagram as a way to announce things for the week. This Web 2.0 tool also allows anyone to comment on the posts, so they can give their feedback to the teacher. It can also allow students to post their own work on their own feeds as well as allow the teacher to repost it onto the class Instagram story.


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