Blog Post #9


When I first started college it was the Summer of 2020, and I started online. Throughout that time I enjoyed how convenient it was for me to just open my laptop wherever I was and start my learning. However, I felt extremely disengaged with online learning and would easily get distracted or doze off because I was in my bedroom, not a classroom setting. When Im a teacher and I have to do an online class, I would definitely try to promote the use of breakout groups as well as participation points so everyone stays engaged in the lesson. 

Open Educational Resources are materials that are part of the public domain that can be freely used and repurposed by others. For instance, the website "Teachers Pay Teachers" is an OER. This is because the website provides open access to original materials for teachers to use and edit on their own. For example, some teachers may post their powerpoint lesson, while others may post their room decor ideas. There is a wide variety of materials that one can freely access on this OER.

I have not yet completed the second powerpoint assignment, but in regard to the first one there are many new things that I have learned. Firstly, I learned how to create different layouts with the slides as well as more aesthetic things like change the background pictures or fonts. I also learned how to record and present a powerpoint, which will come in handy if I ever have to create an online lecture as a teacher because of something like a sick day. I liked how many options the powerpoint creation gave me to work with, however, I did not like how unorganized the layout of powerpoint itself was, it seemed to just overwhelm me at times. 


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