
Showing posts from September, 2022

Blog Journal #4

 ELA standards are the guiding ideals that teachers should implement in their classroom. Along with these standards comes the technological aspect that teachers are expected to incorporate into their lessons. For instance, the first grade standard, "LAFS.1.SL.1.2", states that the students should be able to ask and answer questions about key details in a text, whether orally or through other forms of media. The standard then suggests that the teacher should use websites like StoryBoard or recording devices to read the stories to the students. If I were the teacher, I would be able to record and playback the stories through my smartphone, but I would have to make myself more familiar with the online resource StoryBoard, because I have never used it before.  CPALMS is a resource that stands for Collaborate, Plan, Align, Learn, Motivate, and Share. This resource lays out the standards for every grade level in Florida. It is a very useful website that also includes example lesson

Blog Journal #3

A copyright is made in order to protect one's original work, and fair use is when copyrighted work can be used without needing permission or having to pay for it when the work follows the four types of criteria: the purpose of use, the nature of the work, the amount of the use, as well as the effect of the use. As a teacher I would make sure that everything I use while teaching is properly cited to the creator. When it comes to developing my own instructional materials, I would definitely take inspiration from public websites, but I would make sure to add my own individual thoughts to the sampled material. I would also make sure that my students are able to create their own original thoughts by doing activities such as summarizing stories in their own words, or creating their own stories. This is so they can differentiate between what would be copying and what would be original work.  Academic dishonesty and decreased productivity are major problems for today's teachers. In ord

Blog Journal #2

 I didn't start using Microsoft Word until around 5th grade. At first I was very confused on how to use it, but my school had a computer class for us in order to go step by step to learn how to use the software. However, whenever Google Docs came out all of my teachers had me switch to that software because, unlike Word at the time, Google Docs automatically saved everything you did. Now Microsoft Word also automatically saves everything, but I am so used to using google Docs now that it's hard to work in the Microsoft format. I also like the layout better of Google Docs because you can visually see all of your files instead of having to go through many steps to find one like in Word.  The ISTE standard for teaching are all very essential and useful for teachers. The standard that seems to be the most meaningful to me is the "Citizen" one. This standard allows teachers to teach their students the more real-world abilities when it comes to technology. This includes thi