Blog Journal #3

A copyright is made in order to protect one's original work, and fair use is when copyrighted work can be used without needing permission or having to pay for it when the work follows the four types of criteria: the purpose of use, the nature of the work, the amount of the use, as well as the effect of the use. As a teacher I would make sure that everything I use while teaching is properly cited to the creator. When it comes to developing my own instructional materials, I would definitely take inspiration from public websites, but I would make sure to add my own individual thoughts to the sampled material. I would also make sure that my students are able to create their own original thoughts by doing activities such as summarizing stories in their own words, or creating their own stories. This is so they can differentiate between what would be copying and what would be original work. 

Academic dishonesty and decreased productivity are major problems for today's teachers. In order to combat these difficulties teachers should do a number of things. For one, in order to decrease academic dishonesty teacher should start implementing integrity tactics such as having the students take their exams and quizzes in person instead of at home. In order to prevent decreased productivity, a teacher can create new ways to make their lessons more student-oriented. This could include doing things such as quizzes on Kahoot or have the students share a daily TikTok for the class to see that is related to what the learned the day before. 

I learned many new things creating a newsletter in Microsoft word that I hope to carry on with me when I do become a teacher. For starters, I learned how to separate the document into two main columns as well as adjust the image to the columns. I also learned how to make permission slips for the parents to fill out by using shapes and filling them with colors. In the future I could probably make sure to shorten the amount of information I am giving on the newsletter. The skills I learned doing this assignment can help me map out newsletters for my future in teaching as well as help with things such as writing a resume. 



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