Blog Post #8

 The skills that were developed during the Website Design assignment were some that I will take with me throughout my teaching career. To start, the first skill I learned was what the content should be in a teacher website; this included things like an "About Me" page as well as what to link in order for parents and students to access different resources. Another thing I learned was how to professionally layout a website. This includes following the "CRAP" rules when designing the website. Lastly, I learned how to creatively place images and other content besides text onto a website so the site will feel more interesting and really be able to capture the audience visiting the sight. 

My website:

While working with the platform Diigo, I have learned many new skills. One skill I learned was how to connect Diigo as a Chrome extension as well as edit within the extension. I have never interacted with any website through a Chrome extension, so I found it interesting to experiment with the highlighting and linking tools that were available through doing that. Diigo can be beneficial through a classroom by allowing students to discuss topics in a group like online setting. With team members, creating a Diigo group can help in the same way but also allow the team members to discuss within other groups that they can create or join. For myself, using Diigo allowed me to get a better grasp at the different types of websites I can use to incorporate into my future teaching career. 

Technology is an essential tool for current and future teachers. Technology allows teachers to be able to do things more efficiently and effectively. With the ever changing technological world that we live in today it may be difficult for some teachers to keep up with the new trends and developments that they must start incorporating in their classrooms. In order to stay on top of the new technology trends for educators, they can do their own searching and find very useful websites that will keep them up to date with the newest advancements such as this one:


  1. Hi Marissa, I check out your website and I love it! It is very easy to navigate and you successfully applied the CRAP design principles. For example, I love how you applied the proximity principle on the Students and Parents part of you website where you put the links close to their corresponding images. The alignment throughout your website is also very good such as with the creative commons license centered at the bottom of the page. There is also repetition because you used the same font throughout the website. If I had to make a suggestion, I would say that maybe having the same background images on the headers would increase the repetition. Overall, I enjoyed your website!

  2. Hey Marissa! I looked at your website and really loved the flow of it and that it looks like it all goes together. Your calendar looks great and I thought it was a good example to put the dates in a bullet list too. It looks like you used the same font and that it went well and had a lot of repetition. I liked how you used different pictures for your background so it added contrast. I really enjoyed your website.

  3. Hi Marissa! I really enjoyed looking at your website! Per the CRAP design principles, your website follows it a lot! The font is very consistent throughout the website, as well as all each of your tabs is around the same length in writing. I love how you grouped everything together, whether it is next to each other if they're related or in paragraphs (i.e. adding on to the previous information stated).


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