
Blog Post #9

  When I first started college it was the Summer of 2020, and I started online. Throughout that time I enjoyed how convenient it was for me to just open my laptop wherever I was and start my learning. However, I felt extremely disengaged with online learning and would easily get distracted or doze off because I was in my bedroom, not a classroom setting. When Im a teacher and I have to do an online class, I would definitely try to promote the use of breakout groups as well as participation points so everyone stays engaged in the lesson.  Open Educational Resources are materials that are part of the public domain that can be freely used and repurposed by others. For instance, the website "Teachers Pay Teachers" is an OER. This is because the website provides open access to original materials for teachers to use and edit on their own. For example, some teachers may post their powerpoint lesson, while others may post their room decor ideas. There is a wide variety of materials t

Blog Post #8

 The skills that were developed during the Website Design assignment were some that I will take with me throughout my teaching career. To start, the first skill I learned was what the content should be in a teacher website; this included things like an "About Me" page as well as what to link in order for parents and students to access different resources. Another thing I learned was how to professionally layout a website. This includes following the "CRAP" rules when designing the website. Lastly, I learned how to creatively place images and other content besides text onto a website so the site will feel more interesting and really be able to capture the audience visiting the sight.  My website: While working with the platform Diigo, I have learned many new skills. One skill I learned was how to connect Diigo as a Chrome extension as well as edit within the extension. I have never interacted with any website through a Chro

Blog Post #7

A teacher website is a very important tool that all teachers should utilize. Websites help easily provide important information to parents and students. Nowadays, I noticed that many higher education schools, such as middle and high schools, only provide the link to Canvas when you try to access a teacher website. It seems that everything is starting to transfer to Canvas instead of using websites to deliver information. However, I did manage to find one teacher website that hasn't been switched to Canvas yet. I enjoyed this website because it had grade appropriate images, like the crocodile, and also gave all of the essential information for the class such as the supplies, the criteria and as well as an introduction. I feel that the teacher perfectly executed their website design and content.   A teacher's main goal should be to not only efficiently teach new material but also effectively teach it. To efficiently teach is to do it in a t

Blog Post #6

 When I first started to use Diigo I was confused with the layout and interactive component. The website also seemed to be very outdated design wise. It looked to be a website you would see in the late 90's or early 2000's, not so much in 2022. However, I did enjoy the aspect where you could highlight and comment on other websites then automatically share it with your Diigo group. But that also took a number of steps in order to be able to achieve that. Therefore, it was not a horrible website, but I feel that there are better ones out there.  In regard to blogging, Ive actually really enjoyed my experiences with it so far. I feel that it's a great source for seeing other perspectives on the same topics. I like how easy it is to update posts or edit previous ones. The only complaint I would have is that the layout of the blog posts look different on the actual blog compared to when I'm creating it, so I usually have to go back and edit things like the indents. So far Iv

Blog Journal #5

 I remember my first Twitter experience was in high school when my AP Psychology class required us to create a Twitter account and use the course hashtag to do our weekly discussions. I was only interacting with my classmates and my teacher and we even had a direct message group chat if we needed help with anything. I found this to be beneficial because we were all able to connect through a social media network and see how we can do more educational things through social media, instead of typical teenager thing like post pictures with our friends. I feel that Twitter can be helpful for my future career because it gives me a platform where I can be professional as well as allows me to connect with my colleagues or other teachers and get different perspectives on topics.  The digital divide is defined as the separation between those who have access to technology and those who are limited. Within classrooms, the students who have access to more technology have better educational opportuni

Blog Journal #4

 ELA standards are the guiding ideals that teachers should implement in their classroom. Along with these standards comes the technological aspect that teachers are expected to incorporate into their lessons. For instance, the first grade standard, "LAFS.1.SL.1.2", states that the students should be able to ask and answer questions about key details in a text, whether orally or through other forms of media. The standard then suggests that the teacher should use websites like StoryBoard or recording devices to read the stories to the students. If I were the teacher, I would be able to record and playback the stories through my smartphone, but I would have to make myself more familiar with the online resource StoryBoard, because I have never used it before.  CPALMS is a resource that stands for Collaborate, Plan, Align, Learn, Motivate, and Share. This resource lays out the standards for every grade level in Florida. It is a very useful website that also includes example lesson

Blog Journal #3

A copyright is made in order to protect one's original work, and fair use is when copyrighted work can be used without needing permission or having to pay for it when the work follows the four types of criteria: the purpose of use, the nature of the work, the amount of the use, as well as the effect of the use. As a teacher I would make sure that everything I use while teaching is properly cited to the creator. When it comes to developing my own instructional materials, I would definitely take inspiration from public websites, but I would make sure to add my own individual thoughts to the sampled material. I would also make sure that my students are able to create their own original thoughts by doing activities such as summarizing stories in their own words, or creating their own stories. This is so they can differentiate between what would be copying and what would be original work.  Academic dishonesty and decreased productivity are major problems for today's teachers. In ord